Complete there sentences using the verb in the bracket!1. Mr.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ikanenak966 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete there sentences using the verb in the bracket!1. Mr. Andreas ....... (speak) four languages
2. To reduce the spreading of covid 19, bank ..... (open) at 10 o'clock in the morning
3. The city mall .... (close) at 09.00 p.m every day
4. Anna is a clever student. She always .... (arrive) early at school
5. We....(do) a lot of different things in our free time
6. It....(cost) a lot of money to stay in luxury hotel
7. Mr. Candra is richest in my town. He....(own) a very big house beside supermarket
8. Dayu lives in Surabaya but her parents....(live) in Denpasar
9. I buy a newspaper everyday, butuh I....(not read)it
10. I usually....(watch) television in the evening
11. I....(not like) my job. It's boring
12. I....(not play) gitar very well
13. Mr. Rudi works very hard. Hr...m(start) working at 7 o'clock and ......(finish) at 8 o'clock in the evening
14. The weather is usually nice. It....(not rain) very often
15. .....(you/speak) English?
16. Hus voicr is very slowly. I ....(not understand) what he explains.
17. Your shoes....(to be) very dirayakan.
18. The shops....(not to be)
19. She....(teach) Math to Junior High School students
20. I....(to be) a teacher and my husband (to be) a doctor.

please jawab kakak/abang abang yang baik hati​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. speaks
2. opens
3. closed
4. arrived
5. do
6. costs
7. owns
8. live
9. do not read it/don't read it
10. watch
11. do not like/don't like
12. do not play/don't play
13. a. starts
     b. finishes
14. does not rain/doesn't rain
15. Do you speak
16. cannot understand/can't understand
17. -
18. -
19. teaches
20. a. used to be
      b. used to be


maaf ya jika hanya segini T0T......saya hak terlalu ngerti karena tercampur bahasanya.....dan maaf jika saya salah

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Last Update: Wed, 29 Jun 22