5. Ridwan - drive a car - ride a motorcycle

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari quinzachole pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

5. Ridwan - drive a car - ride a motorcycle 6. The children - wash the clothes-wash the dishes Q: Will you watch the movie? A: Yes, I will. Activity 2 /Writing: Asking for Someone's Willingness Write simple dialogs based on the clues. No. 1 has been done for you. Write in your book 1. you-read a novel - watch the movie Q: Will you read a novel? A: No, I won't. 2. Morgan-ride a bicycle - go skate - boarding 3. Mr. Habibi- come to the party - attend to the meeting 4. The students - have a holiday - have a field trip 5. Kamila - join a sport club-join a vocal group 6. The children - stay late at night - go to bed earlier Scoring Rubric: Activity 1 Writing: Asking for Someone's Ability Activity 2 Writing: Asking for Someone's Willingness Aspect Content Criteria You Your friend (a) The student writes the questions correctly You Your friend You Your friend Dialog 1 You Your frienc You Your friend You Your frien Score for Dialogs Score for Dialog in Activity 1 234562345 In Activity 2 Dialog 2 You Your frien You Your frien You Your frie Scoring​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawaban:uhm... maaf saya tidak tau hehe:v


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Last Update: Fri, 11 Nov 22