1) Nadia uswally _____ (walk) to school. but today she

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mp9885899 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1) Nadia uswally _____ (walk) to school. but today she ____ (go) to school by bus 2) we _____(have) physical education Twice aweek. we____ (learn) how to take a pena itykick at. the moment. 3) Budi _____ (read) a book in the library at break time he sometimes _____ (borrow) the book he reads to home. 4) Ed usually _____ (brush) his teeth at quartet past six. but this morning, he _____ (brush) his teeth at half past six. 5) what _____ ( student,wear) to school usually. 6) A. what _____ ( Nadia,hang) the pendat garland now? B. no, she isn't she ____ (bake) some cookles the kitchen with her mother. 7) A. what ______ (you,do)? B. i'ma lawyer 8) A. ________ ( you,listen) to the radio ofter? B. yes. 9) A. ______ ( you, listen) to the radio right now? B. yes _____ (i.be,). 10) we _____ (roast) the chickian for the party at the moment ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. walks, goes

2. have , learn

3. reads , borrows

4. brushes, brushed

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Last Update: Sat, 19 Nov 22