Water is the only liquid on Earth that safely reduces

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari azizfauzi1118 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Water is the only liquid on Earth that safely reduces weight. It removes the by-products of fat and keeps you fresh and healthy. Drinking water regularly, suppresses your appetite to a great extent and limits your food intake. Another distinct feature of water is that it literally contains no calories, hence, contributing significantly to weight loss. Do you want to look younger? Problem solved! Just drink lots of waler every day!Water is a perfect replacement for your expensive ageing treatments. It moisturizes your skin and keeps it fresh and glistening thereby enhancing its overall appeal. In addition, it helps maintain the clasticity and suppleness of the skin and prevents dryness by detoxifying the skin. Hence, one should strictly avoid dehydrating foods and beverages such as caffeine (cola, chocolate, coffee, tea) and alcohol

1.The followings are the functions of water to our body, except...
a. to avoid dehydrating
b. to loose calories
c. to moisturize skin
d. to reduce weight
e. to help maintain the elasticity of the skin

2.Drinking lots of water make you look younger because...
a. water reduces weight
b. water removes the by-products of fat
c. water keeps you fresh and healthy
d. water is a perfect replacement for your ageing treatments.
e. water avoids dehydrating

3. Based on the text, the beverages should be avoided are ...
a. cola, coffee, tea, water
b. chocolate, beer, fresh water, sprite
c. water, coffee mix, milk
d. coffee, tea, chocolate, cola
e. juice, white water, coffee

4. The word significantly (line 5) has similar meaning with...
a. extremely
d. thereby
b. beneficially
e. literally
C. considerably

5. The word fat (line 2) has opposite meaning with..
d. small
a. thick
b. thin
e. obese
c. big

tlg bantuannya bahasa inggris

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. e. to help maintain the elasticity of the skin

2. d. water is a perfect replacement for your ageing treatments.

3. d. coffee, tea, chocolate, cola

4. C. Considerably

5. B. Thin

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Last Update: Wed, 21 Jul 21