a. Read the text below The pressure in the center of

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari namcoreholic pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A. Read the text belowThe pressure in the center of a tornado is much lower than that in the air surrounding the tornado. The low pressure creates a funnel in the middle of the tornado, which causes destruction by acting much like a vacuum cleaner and sucking up whatever is in its path.
1) The word that in the text refers to ...
2) The word which in the text refers to ...
b. Read the text below
Some buildings and rooms seem to encourage human interaction. They appear to have invisible signs posted that say, “Come in,”” Hello,” or “Welcome.” Still others seem to communicate coldness and be saying, “No visitors,” or “Keep out.” I remember the living room of my youth, and it is always new looking, always clean furniture, rugs, and fireplace. Few people ever sat on the chairs, and in fourteen years the fireplace was never once lit. Mehrabian reminds us of countless living rooms – “as beautifully furnished as a showroom but left just as unoccupied while the guests cluster happily in the kitchen and enjoy themselves there.”
1) Identify 5 (five) adjectives in the text above and put in brackets each word.
2) Identify 5 (five) verbs in the text above and underlined each word.
c. Read the text below
Indonesia is rich with any mining resource that is located in some islands, such as silver, iron, gold, tin, bauxite, and many others. The media expose this richness proportionally to observe the usage of these mining productions. The proper mining that is organized well by the government can increase the people’s welfare. But, in fact, we can see that the process of mining is not organized well. There are so many factors that caused these problems. One of them is illegal mining that can increase the broken mining area.
1) Identify all adverbs in the text above and put in brackets each word.
2) Identify all prepositions in the text above and underlined each word.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


a. 1. Pressure in the air surrounding the tornado

2. The funnel in the middle of the tornado

b. 1. Invisible, clean, furnished, unoccupied, lit

2. Encourage , communicate, remember, sat, cluster

c. 1. proportionally , well

2. with, to, of

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Last Update: Sun, 25 Sep 22