1. my mother got toothache . wich medicine do you

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari asyifachyaaa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. my mother got toothache . wich medicine do you recommend2. Binu is 5 years old. How many tablets does Boni need to take a day?
3. Elang got strain in hid ankle. Which one does hes need?
4. From what the CMI -Sunny Chlorella made?
5. i want to increase my immune. I am 23 years old. How many tablets should I take? ​
1. my mother got toothache . wich medicine do you recommend2. Binu is 5 years old. How many tablets does Boni need to take a day? 3. Elang got strain in hid ankle. Which one does hes need? 4. From what the CMI -Sunny Chlorella made? 5. i want to increase my immune. I am 23 years old. How many tablets should I take? ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.medicine C

2. 5-10 tab/day

3.medicine B

4.extracted from fresh water algae chorella pyrenoidosa

5. 10-20 tab

I'm sorry if this answer is wrong, because i doesn't much understand english language

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Last Update: Wed, 29 Dec 21