B. Answer the questions correctly!What are you doing to help

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari az7080539 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

B. Answer the questions correctly!What are you doing to help nature?
This year our school, 'SMP 6 Banjarbaru' is taking part in the program "Let's save nature". This program
tries to help both animals and plants in our countryside, beaches, and mountains,
Animals and plants are disappearing because we humans are not taking care of them. We are throwing
our rubbish in the sea, on the streets and in the country. The animals are getting trapped in the plastic bags
or getting ill because they eat plastic wrappers. Plants are dying because we are throwing chemicals and
rubbish in the forest. Forest fires are also killing thousands of animals and plants.
Our school is now helping. We are collecting rubbish from the beaches in our city and telling people
not to throw anything on them. We are also collecting used batteries and other dangerous materials. And
you? What are you doing to help animals and plants? Are you littering the beaches and the country or are
you putting your rubbish in the correct places? please, help animals: don't litter.
Who is taking part in the program “Let's save nature"?
What is happening to animals and plants?
3. Who is causing damage to nature?
4. What is "SMP 6 Banjarbaru" doing to help nature?
5. What are you doing to help animals and plants?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. SMP 6 Banjarbaru is taking part in the program “Let's save nature"

2. Animals and plants are disappearing. The animals are getting trapped in the plastic bags or getting ill because they eat plastic wrappers. Plants are dying because we are throwing chemicals and rubbish in the forest. Forest fires are also killing thousands of animals and plants.

3. Humans are causing damage to nature.

4. They are collecting rubbish from the beaches in their city and telling people not to throw anything on them. They are also collecting used batteries and other dangerous materials.

5. I don't litter rubbish. I take good care of my animals. (tambahkan/ganti sendiri berdasarkan pengalamanmu)

Semoga membantu, maaf jika salah.

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Last Update: Thu, 05 Aug 21