tolong di bantu dong kakak untuk jawaban nya Hi, all!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari s19180163 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolong di bantu dong kakak untuk jawaban nya Hi, all! Welcome to our forum discussion for week 7. Let’s review some vocabularies.1. Match 1-6 to a-f to make phrases associated with package tours.

1 airport


3 city sightseeing

4 entry

5 tour

6 information

a tour

b pack

c World Heritage site

d guide

e transfers

f tickets

2. Then complete the advert for a package tour to India with the correct phrases from question 1.

Golden Triagle Tour

Day One: Arrive Delhi. Guests receive welcome gift and free 1______ about the tour.

Day Two: Delhi -full day 2. _________ of Old Delhi (in the morning) and New Delhi (in the afternoon).

Day Three: Delhi/ Agra (21 0 km) Shatabdi Express train to Agra with breakfast served on-board. Agra is the city of Taj Mahal, a 3 _______ and the jewel of art in India.

Day Four: Agra/Jaipur (230 km- 5 hr drive) Optional tour: Wake early morning to visit Taj Mahal at sunrise (at extra cost).

Day Five: Jaipur Elephant ride to the Amber Fort. In the afternoon visit the Pink City of Jaipur.

Day Six: Jaipur/Delhi (260 km - 5 hr drive ) Price includes: accommodation, breakfast and dinner, 4 ________ to the Taj Mahal, local 5 ____ and all activities as per the programme. We provide mineral water throughout the tour. Price does not include: any lunches, airfares and 6 _____ , and travel insurance.

3. Share with us, when was the last time you went on a tour? What was the tourguide like? What were the good and bad things about the tour you join? Write in 3-5 sentences.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. tickets
  2. city sightseeing
  3. tour

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Last Update: Mon, 17 Jan 22