Teks narasi 5 paragraf tentang malam tahun baru bahasa inggris

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Teks narasi 5 paragraf tentang malam tahun baru bahasa inggris

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Celebrating New Year 2022 at Home

Every night on December 31, mom and dad always take us out to enjoy the celebrations to welcome the new year. However, this year is different. This time, my parents didn't take me out because of the Covid 19 Pandemic. "This year, we're going to have a celebration to welcome the new year at home, okay?" Dad said.

On December 31, 2021, from 15.00, mother and grandmother have been busy in the kitchen. It turns out that they are preparing food that will be used to welcome the new year tonight. My grandfather and younger brother were seen in the yard preparing the table and the place for the barbecue. I didn't see my father, after I asked Mom he said he was buying meat, sausage and corn for dinner tonight. I also help them prepare plates, spoons, and glasses that will be used for eating.

Around 18.00, my father came from the supermarket. I saw he was carrying a lot of things. I intended to help him, but nevertheless by me. He said, let dad take a shower and change clothes first to be safe from Covid 19.

I remember the message given by the teacher, during this Pandemic we must always remember your message, namely 3M. Wash your hands, wear a mask and keep your distance. I saw dad wearing a mask, before entering the yard he also washed his hands at the water faucet at the front gate. However, I wonder if dad has kept his distance while shopping. "Well, did dad keep his distance while shopping at the supermarket?" ask

Father smiled and replied, “Of course you keep your distance. I don't want the corona virus to come into our house."

Around 18.00, we were all in the yard. I helped dad make sausage and grilled corn. As it turns out, new year's events at home can also be a lot of fun. Hopefully this Covid-19 Pandemic passes quickly, so I can go back to school. I've missed my teacher and friends so much.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh Riskaalifia553 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sat, 02 Apr 22