A. Ubahlah kalimat dibawah ini sesuai tanda dalam kurung!Contoh: (+)

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari tuu44905 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A. Ubahlah kalimat dibawah ini sesuai tanda dalam kurung!Contoh: (+) They LIKED eating some apples just now.
(-) They did not LIKE eating any Apples just now.
(?) Did they LIKE any Apples just now.? yes, they did

1. (+) Mr. Hasan WASHED his new car yesterday.

(-)the cat did not SEE a mouse under the table just now

(?)Did your father GO to Bandung last month? yes, he did

4.(+) Andini SPOKE English to the tourist just now

(-) We did not NEED some money to buy some books last week

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

[Past Simple]


(+) Mr. Hasan washed his new car yesterday.

(-) Mr. Hasan didn't wash his new car yesterday.

(?) Did Mr. Hasan wash his new car yesterday?

  • Yes, he did.
  • No, he didn't.


(+) The cat saw a mouse under the table just now.

(-) The cat did not see a mouse under the table just now.

(?) Did the cat see a mouse under the table just now?

  • Yes, it did.
  • No, it didn't.


(+) Your father went to Bandung last month.

(-) Your father didn't go to Bandung last month.

(?) Did your father go to Bandung last month?

  • Yes, he did.
  • No, he didn't.


(+) Andini spoke English to the tourist just now.

(-) Andini didn't speak English to the tourist just now.

(?) Did Andini speak English to the tourist just now?

  • Yes, she did.
  • No, she didn't.


(+) We needed some money to buy some books last week.

(-) We did not need some money to buy some books last week.

(?) Did we need some money to buy some books last week?

  • Yes, we did.
  • No, we didn't.


Simple past tense merupakan bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang terjadi pada masa lalu.



  • Subject + Verb 2 + O / C
  • Subject + was/were + O / C


  • Subject + did + not + Verb 1 + O / C
  • Subject + was/were + not + O / C


  • Did + Subject + Verb 1 + O / C + ?
  • Was/were + Subject + O / C + ?

↬Based on Question

Pada soal, perintahnya yaitu mengubah ke bentuk negatif dan introgatif serta menambahkan yes/no clause.

  • mengubah ke negatif

Subjek diletakkan di depan, lalu beri did + not + verb 1 setelah subjek.


I didn't write anything.

They did not come here.

  • mengubah ke introgatif

Letakkan did, subject, lalu verb secara berurut.


Didwemeet her last night?

What didyoudo?

  • yes/no clause

Digunakan untuk mengiringi jawaban suatu pertanyaan yang diajukan. Jika jawabannya iya, maka beri did setelah subjek. Namun jika jawabannya tidak, maka beri did + not (didn't) setelah subjek.


Didwemeet her last night?

  • Apakah kita bertemu dengannya tadi malam?

→ If yes:

Yes, we did.

  • Ya, kita bertemu dengannya tadi malam.

→ If no:

No, we didn't.

  • Tidak, kita tidak bertemu dengannya tadi malam.


:: semoga membantu ::


Learn more about⤵

Past Simple







Grade: 8

Subject: English

Chapter: Past Tense

Categorization code: 8.5.9

Keywords: Change into negative and interrogative, past simple

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh slzrn dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke www.yomemimo.com melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Sun, 18 Jul 21