1. There are……people in the restaurant. a. Any b. Some

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dhavidaisy94 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. There are……people in the restaurant. a. Any b. Some c. Is some d. Is little2. There…. a big house near the office. a. Are b. Is c. Many d. Much

3. There are…… students reading books in the class. a. Many b. Much c. More d. A little

4. Drink more. There….. still plenty of water in the bottle. a. Is b. Are c. Many d. A little

5. We will have a birthday party for my sister. There……… balloons placed in the corners of the room. a. Is much b. So much c. Are many d. Are much

6. This road is very hot because there…… not many trees around. a. Is b. Many c. Much d. Are

7. There is…… fallen tree on the road ahead so people stop their cars. a. The b. An c. Of d. A

8. I don’t go to the mall because there……. much money left in my wallet. a. Isn’t b. Aren’t c. Not d. Little

9. There…… someone sitting by the window. a. Are b. Many c. Is d. A few

10. There are……… visitors who break the rules at this place. * 10 poin a. Few b. Little c. Many d. much​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. a. some

2. b. is

3. a. many

4. d. a little

5. d. are much

6. a. is

7. d. a

8. d. little

9. a. are

10. a. few

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Apabila terdapat kesalahan dalam mengerjakan soal, silahkan koreksi jawaban dengan mengirimkan email ke www.yomemimo.com melalui halaman Contact

Last Update: Sun, 30 Jan 22