If you … a cake, please give others.Select one:a. broughtb.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nugrohotrisutrpdxmtd pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

If you … a cake, please give others.Select one:
a. brought
b. are bring
c. bring
d. brings
e. is bringing
If you can't do the tasks, please … your friend for doing them.
Select one:
a. asked to
b. asked
c. asking
d. ask
e. Asking to
Eka : I was looking at this contract you completed. It's got June first as the due date. I'm sure it was supposed to be May first. I hope you didn't send it out like this.
Pohan : I can't believe I missed that, I'm sorry. Look, it was totally my fault. I'll send out a revised contract right away. If hadn't made this mistake,
Select one:
a. I will not have to send out a revised contract right away.
b. I would have sent out a revised contract right away.
c. I would have sent out a revised contract right away.
d. I will have to send out a revised contract right away.
e. I would not have had to send out a revised contract right away.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.




D.I will have ti send out a revised contract right away


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Last Update: Sun, 25 Jul 21