Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari unknown pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

My BedroomMy name is Soni. Falways sleep in my bedroom. My bedroom is not large but it is very comfortable and clean. There is a bed. The bed is small. There are pillow and bolster on the bed. There is also a blanket on the bed. On the comer of my bedroom, there is a wardrobe. I use it to put and keep my clothes. There is also a desk for me to study. I love my bedroom

tolong terjemahan
dan jawablah soal yang difoto itu cuman 5 Nomor doang kok
poin nya juga aku tambain nanti​
 My Bedroom My name is Soni. Falways sleep in my bedroom. My bedroom is not large but it is very comfortable and clean. There is a bed. The bed is small. There are pillow and bolster on the bed. There is also a blanket on the bed. On the comer of my bedroom, there is a wardrobe. I use it to put and keep my clothes. There is also a desk for me to study. I love my bedroomtolong terjemahandan jawablah soal yang difoto itu cuman 5 Nomor doang kokpoin nya juga aku tambain nanti​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Soni's bedroom

2. No it is not

3. There are pillow, bolster and blanket on the bed

4. On the corner of his bedroom

5. Used to study


jadikan jawaban terbaik ^_^

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Last Update: Thu, 02 Dec 21