1. The music store is... Santos Dumont Street and Rosa

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari azzahradwinov11 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. The music store is... Santos Dumont Street and Rosa e Silva Avenue. (on the corner of, in front of, next to)2. The hospital is ... the pet shop. (opposite, between, behind)
3. The toy store is... the music store and the restaurant. (between, in front of, on the corner of)
4. The supermarket is ... the restaurant. (opposite, next to, behind)
5. The fast food restaurant is... Amelia Street. (on, next to, on the corner of)
6. The bookstore is... the supermarket. (next to, behind, between)
7. The bank is on Santos Dumont Street... the flower shop. (behind, opposite, in front of)
8. The school is... Amelia Street and Rosa e Silva Avanue. (on, behind, on the corner of)
9. The pet shop is... Amélia Street. (on, next to, between)
10. The flower shop is... Santos Dumont Street. (on, next to, opposite)

tolong bantu jawab ya . . makasii! ​
1. The music store is... Santos Dumont Street and Rosa e Silva Avenue. (on the corner of, in front of, next to) 2. The hospital is ... the pet shop. (opposite, between, behind) 3. The toy store is... the music store and the restaurant. (between, in front of, on the corner of) 4. The supermarket is ... the restaurant. (opposite, next to, behind) 5. The fast food restaurant is... Amelia Street. (on, next to, on the corner of) 6. The bookstore is... the supermarket. (next to, behind, between) 7. The bank is on Santos Dumont Street... the flower shop. (behind, opposite, in front of) 8. The school is... Amelia Street and Rosa e Silva Avanue. (on, behind, on the corner of) 9. The pet shop is... Amélia Street. (on, next to, between) 10. The flower shop is... Santos Dumont Street. (on, next to, opposite)tolong bantu jawab ya . . makasii! ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.in front of





6.next to

7.in front of

8.on the corner of


10.next to


maaf kalo salah hehe

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Last Update: Sat, 05 Feb 22