Tugas simple future and future continuous tense

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari novianarosadi1 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tugas simple future and future continuous tense
Tugas simple future and future continuous tense

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (+) Our office will close an hour earlier than usual today.

(-) Our office will not close an hour earlier than usual today.

(?) will our office close an hour earlier than usual today?

2. (+) I will have lunch with my business partner after 12 o'clock.

(-) I will not have lunch with my business partner after 12 o'clock.

(?) Will I have lunch with my business partner after 12 o'clock?

3. (+) we will take the final examination next july.

(-) we will not take the final examination next july.

(?) will we take the final examination next july?

4. (+) He will be going to the bank to cash the cheques that we have just received from our customers.

(-) He will be not going to the bank to cash the cheques that we have just received from our customers.

(?) Will he be going to the bank to cash the cheques that we have just received from our customers?

5. (+) He will be writing his sixth novel by this time next month.

(-) He will not be writing his sixth novel by this time next month.

(?) will he be writing his sixth novel by this time next month?

6. (+) At 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the children will be watching cartoon films at my house.

(-) At 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, the children will not be watching cartoon films at my house.

(?)At 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, will the children be watching cartoon films at my house?

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Last Update: Fri, 30 Jul 21