tentukan main idea, makna tersirat dan tersurat dari teks dibawah

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari hakyun pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tentukan main idea, makna tersirat dan tersurat dari teks dibawah ini!BRAGA STREET

Braga is name of a street in Bandung, Jawa Barat. Braga is a popular street. This street located not far from city center. This street is different with another street in Bandung. Sometimes, Braga is crowd, especially in the weekend we can see a lot of people and traffic jam in this street. Braga is a complete street, there are many facilities in there.

Braga is different from another street in Bandung. Why? In Braga, the street is layered with stone not asphalt. Along the sidewalk, there are many chairs. So, we can sit there while see the Braga Street. Along the sidewalk there are many round stones too. This stones make this street look beautiful and make us feel like in another country.

In Braga, there are many old buildings. Some buildings are stay using the Dutch architecture. PGN building, bakery, and some restaurant is the buildings that use the Dutch architecture until now.

Along the Braga Street we can see a lot of painting. Those painting are not just a decoration for the street, those painting are sell. Some seller sell the painting in a building, and some seller sell the painting in the sidewalk along the Braga Street. This painting make this street more beautiful.

Braga Street has a complete facilities. There are hotel, restaurants, mall, mini markets, book stores, bakery, and boutiques.

In the left side we can see Gino Feruci Hotel. This hotel is big and clean. In front of the hotel there is a food truck that open in the night. Not far from hotel, we can find Braga Citywalk. This is a mall. This mall is same like another mall, we can eating, playing, shopping, and watching cinema in this mall. Near the mall there are many restaurant like, Wendy’s, Suga Rush, Braga Punya Cerita, Braga Permai and many more. We can also see many mini markets in this street like, MOR, Alfamart, Indomaret, and Circle K. We can also buy some clothes in boutique that stand in the right and in the left side of the street.

Braga is also one of the street that past by Bandros. Bandros is a tourism bus that take the passenger around Bandung.

Bandung Government keep this street very well. They clean the street with a car that have some sweeps in its edge. So, this car can clean this street without using human energy.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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The main idea is bandung heritage on braga street


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Last Update: Mon, 21 Feb 22