Change the following sentences into direct or reported speech! 1. Hadi

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari irlyarelia pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change the following sentences into direct or reported speech!1. Hadi said, “I’m happy now.”
2. Tono asked me, “Where is your father now?”
3. They say, “We have received our salary”.
4. He informed me, “Don’t do it that way!”
5. Tina asked me, “What can I do for you?”
6. She begged me, “Please, stay, with me!”
7. That man asked, “Do you have a telephone?”
8. He said to me, “My father will go abroad.”
9. Rini said to him, “You have to be honest.”
10. Pailul asked Painem, “Are you sleepy?”
11. Tita said, “I saw a film last night.”
12. Roy asked her, “Why don’t you come here?”
13. Ida said to Adi,” Please, follow me!”
14. My father warned me, “Please, don’t be in hurry!”
15. Romeo asked Juliet, “Do you really love me?”……………………………………

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Last Update: Mon, 17 Jan 22