1. He had a meeting yesterday, ... he couldn't go

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari stenly37 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. He had a meeting yesterday, ... he couldn't go to the movies with usa. that's why
b. on account of
2. Doctors believe some bacteria are more resistant nowadays
the misuse of
a. because of
b. owing to
c. therefore
you have no more money to spend, you will have to stop buying useless
a. For this reason
b. Such that
c. Since
4. I knew I couldn't win. I didn't play in the match and I decided to do more
practice to improve my performance for the next competition
a. Due to
b. Such a
c. Consequently
traffic jams I arrive late for work every day.
a. Because
b. As a result of
c. That's why
6. She was attractive woman that everyone wanted to invite her to their
b. such an
7. The students were upset it was raining outside and they couldn't go out and...
a. since
b. therefore
C. as a result of
8. You are not following the doctor's advice....
a. On account of b. Such that
C. For this reason
9. Edward is ...conceited that he won't even consider the possibility of not getting
the job
b. such a
10. ... the rain had poured down for three days without any rest, there were floods
in the area.
b. Owing to
c. Consequently
a. such
you won't
a. such
a. As​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. He had a meeting yesterday, (A) that's why he couldn't go to the movies with us
  2. Doctors believe some bacteria are more resistant nowadays (A) because of the misuse of antibiotics.
  3. You have no more money to spend, (A) For this reason, you will have to stop buying useless things.
  4. I knew I couldn't win. I didn't play in the match and (C)  Consequently I decided to do more practice to improve my performance for the next competition
  5. (B) As a result of Traffic jams I arrive late for work every day.
  6. She was  (B) such an attractive woman that everyone wanted to invite her to their parties.
  7. The students were upset  (A) since it was raining outside and they couldn't go out and play
  8. -
  9. Edward is so conceited that he won't even consider the possibility of not getting the job.
  10. (B) Owing to the rain had poured down for three days without any rest, there were floods


1. He had a meeting yesterday, (A) that's why he couldn't go to the movies with us

Alasan: Kalimat di atas menjelaskan tentang sebab akibat, yaitu "Dia punya pertemuan kemarin sehingga dia tidak bisa pergi ke bioskop dengan kita," Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

2. Doctors believe some bacteria are more resistant nowadays (A) because of the misuse of antibiotics.

Alasan: Kalimat di atas menjelaskan tentang sebab akibat, yaitu "Dokter percaya beberapa bakteri lebih resisten sekarang ini karena penggunaan antibiotik yangs salah." Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

3. You have no more money to spend, (A) For this reason, you will have to stop buying useless things.

Alasan: Kalimat di atas menjelaskan tentang sebab akibat, yaitu "Kamu tidak punya uang lagi untuk dihabiskan, Untuk alasan ini, kamu harus akan berhenti membeli barang yang tidak berguna." Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

4. I knew I couldn't win. I didn't play in the match and (C)  Consequently I decided to do more practice to improve my performance for the next competition

Alasan: Kalimat di atas menjelaskan tentang akibat dari sesuatu. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

5.  (B) As a result of Traffic jams I arrive late for work every day.

Alasan: Kalimat di atas menjelaskan akibat, yaitu "Akibat macet, saya datang telat setiap hari."

6. She was  (B) such an attractive woman that everyone wanted to invite her to their parties.

Alasan: Kata such untuk memberikan penekanan terhadap suatu benda / seseorang.

7. The students were upset  (A) since it was raining outside and they couldn't go out and play

Alasan: Kalimat setelah adverb since menjelaskan sebab terjadinya sesuatu.

8. You are not following the doctor's advice....

Alasan: Kalimat tidak lengkap.

9. Edward is so conceited that he won't even consider the possibility of not getting the job.

Alasan: Adverb so memberikan arti "sangat"

10.  (B) Owing to the rain had poured down for three days without any rest, there were floods

Alasan: Setelah adverb owing to, diikuti noun phrase.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

  1. Materi tentang perbedaan owing to dan due to www.yomemimo.com/tugas/5226713
  2. Materi tentang perbedaan because of dan due to www.yomemimo.com/tugas/2793657
  3. Materi tentang contoh kalimat menggunakan kata due to the fact www.yomemimo.com/tugas/13256574


Detail jawaban

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Ulangan Harian

Kode: -


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Last Update: Sun, 25 Jul 21