I think our quiet little town (1).... (be) very different

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari merymoonfitri pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

I think our quiet little town (1).... (be) very different in twenty years' time. (2) ... (there/be) a lot of cars in the streets and (3)... (there / be) a lot of noise, too! (4) .... .... (there / not be) many trees or parks, but we (5) .................(have) lots of shops and restaurants. More people (6) ................. (live and work) here, I think. And the children (7) ......... (be) happier - because they (8) (have) lots of things to do. It (9)..... (not be) a quiet little town any more, but I'm sure it (10) .... still ...... (be) beautiful!
I think our quiet little town (1).... (be) very different in twenty years' time. (2) ... (there/be) a lot of cars in the streets and (3)... (there / be) a lot of noise, too! (4) .... .... (there / not be) many trees or parks, but we (5) .................(have) lots of shops and restaurants. More people (6) ................. (live and work) here, I think. And the children (7) ......... (be) happier - because they (8) (have) lots of things to do. It (9)..... (not be) a quiet little town any more, but I'm sure it (10) .... still ...... (be) beautiful!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. will be

2. there will be

3. there will be

4. there won't be

5. 'll have

6. will live and work

7. will be

8. will have

9. won't be

10. will still be

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Feb 22