Rice is a staple food that is eaten routinely. It

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari shintyaayuwida pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Rice is a staple food that is eaten routinely. It is the main food in Asia where around 90% of the world’s rice is grown and consumed. It is grown in most part of the world but the biggest producers are from Asia. A research shows Asians consume more than 300 million tons of rice a year.The average European only eats four kilos a year but African and Asian eat about 180 kilos of rice annually. Indonesia, China, and India are rice based society. These three countries have almost half of the world population 2.5 billion people. Every year this number increases by 15 million.

About 80% of the rice production comes from irrigated rice system because most rice varieties express their full yield potential when water supply is adequate. Most rice in Asia is grown on almost 250 million small farms each one less than one hectare. The farmers usually use water buffalo or plowing because they like the water and strong animal that are able to plough one hectare of land. Most of the rice is grown and produced in China, Indonesia and India. They produce 60 percent of the world’s total altogether.

The government should guarantee not only help to grow rice to ensure there is a plentiful supply but also to be aware of the problems caused by exporting rice to other rice producing countries.

Answer these questions.

1. What is the writer’s opinion about staple food?
Answer : ………….
2. Which paragraph that shows the argument of the text?...
3. How many kilos the average people in Asia eat rice in a year?
Answer : ………….
4. Which countries are the top rice producers in the world?
5. What is the writer’s suggestion to government about staple food?

6. What is the most effective system to produce rice?

7. “….not only help to grow rice to ensure there is a plentiful supply….”
the underlined word has similar meaning with …..

8. What is the writer intention in writing the text above?

9. “….. kilos of rice annualy”

The underlined word means...

10. Indonesia is one of the rice producers, which do you prefer having breakfast with rice or bread?

Minta tolong kak:)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. The writer’s opinion about staple food is that rice is the most consumed staple food in the world.
  2. The paragraph that shows the argument of the text is on the first paragraph.
  3. The average people in Asia eat rice 180 kilos in a year.
  4. China, Indonesia and India are the top rice producers in the world.
  5. The writer’s suggestionto government about staple food is thatgovernment should guarantee not only help to grow rice to ensure there is a plentiful supply but also to be aware of the problems caused by exporting rice to other rice producing countries.
  6. The most effective system to produce rice is through irrigated rice system.
  7. Soal tidak lengkap.
  8. The writer intention in writing the text above isto inform the readerabout rice as the most consumed staple food in the world.
  9. Annualy means yearly.
  10. I prefer having breakfast with rice.


Pertanyaan di atas dijawab berdasarkan descriptive texttentangrice atau beras. Clue untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas adalah:

  1. Jawaban pada tema umum teks tersebut tentang beras.
  2. Alasannya ada pada paragraf pertama yang berbicara tentang fakta bahwa beras menjadi konsumsi utama di Asia.
  3. Jawaban pada kalimat "The average European only eats four kilos a year but African and Asian eat about 180 kilos of rice annually."
  4. Jawaban pada kalimat "Most of the rice is grown and produced in China, Indonesia and India."
  5. Jawaban pada kalimat "The government should guarantee not only help to grow rice to ensure there is a plentiful supply but also to be aware of the problems caused by exporting rice to other rice producing countries."
  6. Jawaban pada kalimat "About 80% of the rice production comes from irrigated rice system because most rice varieties express their full yield potential when water supply is adequate."
  7. Soal tidak lengkap.
  8. Jawaban sudah jelas.
  9. Annually sinonim dari every year atau yearly.
  10. Jawaban berdasarkan pendapat kita sendiri.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Tentang descriptive text:

Detail Jawaban

Kelas: 7

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris 5


Kode: 7.5


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Last Update: Tue, 03 Aug 21