1. Who is the receiver of the letter? Answer: ........

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari wiwitnur662 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Who is the receiver of the letter? Answer: ........2. Why does the writer say sorry to the Answer: ....
3. Is the writer happy to do house chores? Why? for long
Answer: .....
4. Is the writer a good person? Tell your reason!
Answer : .....
5. Who has a wonderful gift? What is it? Answer:.....

tolong bantu​
1. Who is the receiver of the letter? Answer: ........ 2. Why does the writer say sorry to the Answer: .... 3. Is the writer happy to do house chores? Why? for long Answer: ..... 4. Is the writer a good person? Tell your reason! Answer : .....5. Who has a wonderful gift? What is it? Answer:.....tolong bantu​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. The receiver is Brenda.
  2. She says sorry because she hasn't written and sent letters to Brenda for a long time.
  3. No, she isn't. Because she hates washing the dishes.
  4. Yes, she is. Because she helps her parents, altough she hates washing the dishes.
  5. Brenda has a wonderful gift. It is a kitten.



1. Who is the receiver of the letter?

2. Why does the writer say sorry to the receiver?

3. Is the writer happy to do house chores? Why?

4. Is the writer a good person? Tell your reason!

5. Who has a wonderful gift? What is it?


Arti pertanyaan

  1. Siapakah penerima surat itu?
  2. Mengapa penulis meminta maaf kepada penerima?
  3. Apakah penulis senang melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga? Mengapa?
  4. Apakah penulis adalah seorang yang baik? Tuliskan alasanmu!
  5. Siapakah yang memiliki (mendapat) hadiah yang luar biasa? Apa hadiahnya?


semangat belajar....

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Last Update: Mon, 18 Apr 22