Report the following statements. 1. "I read a book per month". James

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ichakartika78 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Report the following statements.1. "I read a book per month".
James said
2. "I go to the cinema on Saturdays."
Peter said
3. "Teachers don't like noise."
Maria said
4. "We are very calm."
They said
5. "We don't want to watch TV."
The children said
6. "I don't like horror films."
Charles said
7. "I don't like TV. I prefer cinema."
Joshua said
8. "The church is just around the corner."
Mrs. Robins said
Report the following statements.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Report the following statements.

1. "I read a book per month".

James said he read a book per month

2. "I go to the cinema on Saturdays."

Peter said he go to cinema on saturdays

3. "Teachers don't like noise."

Maria said the teachers don't like noise

4. "We are very calm."

They said they are very calm

5. "We don't want to watch TV."

The children said they don't want to watch TV

6. "I don't like horror films."

Charles said he don't like horror films

7. "I don't like TV. I prefer cinema."

Joshua said he don't like TV, he prefer Cinema

8. "The church is just around the corner."

Mrs. Robins said the church is just around the corner

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Last Update: Mon, 09 May 22