Read the situations.Make sentences using hope to show possible expectations

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari muhamadikhan21 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the situations.Make sentences using hope to show possible expectations or wish to show

See the example.


Situation: I don't have much money,


I hope my father gives me more pocket money than before. I wish I could buy a new laptop.

1. Students should attend a distant learning learning due to the COVID-19

2. When Riana goes to school in the morning, the bus is always full of pass

3. Indah forgot to feed her pets this morning.

4. Damar and I have a problem. I want to discuss our problem with him.

5. Diah didn't attend a seminar about leadership.

6. We saw many people littering the river.

7. I don't have enough time to help my sister do her work.

8. Jay didn't see his kittens this morning.

9. Mr. Anwar only has a motorcycle. He cannot go to work early because his

10. It's raining hard and I don't bring a raincoat.

buatkan kalimat yah​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.i hope covid is over

2.i hope the bus is not full again

3.i hope i remember to feed my pets in the morning

4.i hope the there will be no more problem

5.i hope Diah attend seminars on leadership

6.i hope there ia no more poeple littering the river

7.i hope i have enough time,so i can help my sister

8.i hope Jay fing his kittens

9.kurang lengkap(tidak bisa di jawab)

10.i hope i bring a rain Coat

untuk nomer 9 hanya bisa di jawab seperti ini(karena kurang lengkap)

"i hope Mr Anwar can work early"

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Last Update: Thu, 02 Dec 21