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A drought begins with a disruption to the water cycle, the circulation of water from the Earth's atmosphere to its surface. Sometimes this disruption happens naturally, such as during a heat wave. Most droughts are temporary, and can occur in all climates. Some climates are permanently dry, or arid, such as deserts. A drought is a shortage of precipitation over a period of time. Droughts get worse when rivers and streams dry up, leaving people without water to drink and to grow food. Droughts should not be confused with arid climates, where very little precipitation falls year round. A drought happens when a specific geographic region receives much less precipitation than normal. Conditions that are thought to be drought-like in North America might not considered drought-like in Africa or parts of Australia. In arid climates, people have developed ways of surviving with very little water. They also conserve what little water they have.

1. What does the text mainly explain ?
A. The effects of droughts.
B. The difference between droughts and arid climates
C. How droughts happen.
D. Where droughts occur.
E. Why droughts are dangerous.

2. The circulation of water from the Earth's atmosphere to its surface is called....
A. a drought
B. arid climate
C. water cycle
D. precipitation
E. drought-like

3. It can be concluded that droughts happen when ....
A. the areas change into deserts B. some regions experience arid climates
C. there is a disruption in the climates
D. a specific geographic region receives much precipitation than normal
E. there is not enough rain for a long period of time

4. "They also conserve what little water they have." The underlined word has similar in meaning to ....
A. save
B. release
C. use
D. waste
E. support​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. What does the text mainly explain ? The difference between droughts and arid climates (Option B).

2. The circulation of water from the Earth's atmosphere to its surface is called a drought (Option A).

3. It can be concluded that droughts happen when there is not enough rain for a long period of time (Option E).

4. "They also conserve what little water they have." The underlined word has similar in meaning to save (Option A).


Drought is a condition where there is not much clean water, making it difficult to carry out activities that use water.

Causes of drought :

  1. Geographical location.
  2. Lack of water catchment areas.
  3. Wasteful.
  4. Low rainfall.
  5. Hydrological Damage.
  6. Global warming.
  7. The dry season is prolonged.
  8. Lack of water.

The impact of the drought :

  • Clean water is becoming scarce.
  • Increased pollution.
  • Many plants withered.


1. What does the text mainly explain ?

A. The effects of droughts.

B. The difference between droughts and arid climates

C. How droughts happen.

D. Where droughts occur.

E. Why droughts are dangerous.

Previous answer : B.

Reasons for choosing option B :

  • Option A, Option A is just about explaining the drought effect, but in the text it's not there.
  • Option B, In the text, it explains the difference between drought and dry or tropical climates.
  • Option C, The text does not explain the occurrence of drought.
  • Option D, It is not clear where the drought occurred.
  • Option E, Nobody explains why the drought occurred.

So, the correct answer is Option B.

2. The circulation of water from the Earth's atmosphere to its surface is called....

A. a drought

B. arid climate

C. water cycle

D. precipitation

E. drought-like

Previous answer : A.

The reason for choosing option A is in the text.

3. It can be concluded that droughts happen when ....

A. the areas change into deserts B. some regions experience arid climates

C. there is a disruption in the climates

D. a specific geographic region receives much precipitation than normal

E. there is not enough rain for a long period of time

Previous answer : E.

The reason for choosing option E :

  • Option A, Drought cannot turn an area into a desert.
  • Option B, Not necessarily all regions experience drought.
  • Option C, Disruption to the climate is not the cause of drought.
  • Option D, If an area has a lot of water it cannot be called a drought.
  • Option E, The main cause of the occurrence of the drought phenomenon is the absence of sufficient rainfall.

So, the answer is Option E.

4. "They also conserve what little water they have." The underlined word has similar in meaning to ....

A. save

B. release

C. use

D. waste

E. support

Previous answer : A.

Reasons for choosing option A :

  • Option A, Perhaps the underlined word is saving.
  • Option B, There's no way the word "saves" can be "release".
  • Option C, If they continue to use their remaining water there will be no water.
  • Option D, The word "waste" cannot be replaced by the word "save".
  • Option E, The word support cannot change the word "save".


Subjects : English.

Class : III.

Chapter : 2.

Question code : 4.

Theory : Drought

Categorization : 3.4.2

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Last Update: Tue, 17 Aug 21