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Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Nearly all of the cryonics companies which were formed to cash in on the mania for being rejuvenated “after the technology becomes available, and your disease or injury or organ failure can be cured”, have gone out of business.

Science is no closer now to rejuvenating a deceased or biologically suspended person, than existed 50 years or 100 years ago. Same for keeping a person alive indefinitely, through curatives or organ replacements or aging reversal. Everything one reads or is told by these companies is just hype. It is all bunk.

In nearly every case, freezing of the body causes widespread and uncorrectable cellular destruction. Even if it were possible to flash-freeze a body, without damage, it will slowly deteriorate even while frozen. Cells and organs begin to deteriorate immediately upon death; some fail even as a person is dying. Hence, often the freezing is done too long after the point of death, and the company is only preserving rotten meat.

These companies hang on only so long as the families continue paying the required “maintenance” fees. Typically, survivors soon get tired of paying several hundred dollars per month just to keep grandpa’s carcass intact, and they don’t want to pay whatever it would cost if someone actually figures out how to resurrect the dead-and-frozen, and endow them with unending life. And, of course, to re-educate and train the person to live in a vastly different world.

When the cash inflows stop, the companies go out of business. Then, the bodies are offered back to the surviving family members. But they don’t have adequate refrigeration equipment, nor usually any interest in rejuvenating some elderly dead relative — even if that were to become possible.

Hence, those preserved bodies ordinarily end up just being buried, or being cremated. Grandpa, if he is circulating around somewhere in hyperspace and waiting to be revived, may be quite distressed at that. But he is in no position to object or to do anything about it. So Grandpa just has to settle for whatever has been the after-death circumstances which have affected all the billions of people who died previously, without their corpse having been flash-frozen.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh n7935473 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Thu, 13 Jan 22