1. These verbs are two of English verbs. These verbs

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1. These verbs are two of English verbs. These verbs are used daily in daily conversation. They have similarity that are used to tell desire about something from someone. The verbs are… *a. Study and hope
b. Play and May
c. Wish and hope
d. Accompany and wish
2. Beside of similarity between them, we also need to know the difference between wish and hope. For hope, … *
a. This verb can be used to tell desire in a recent activity from someone
b. This verb can be used to tell desire that impossible to happen from someone
c. This verb can be used to tell desire about future action
d. This verb can be used to tell desire that possible to happen from someone
3. “this verb is used to express an impossible desire of someone”. The verb mentioned is… *
a. Hope
b. Wish
c. Get
d. Recognize
4. Based on several pattern below, which one is the correct pattern for using “wish”… *
a. S + hope + Simple Present Tense + wish
b. S + wish + Simple Present Tense + object
c. S + hope + Simple Past Tense + wish
d. S + wish + Simple Past Tense

plissss bantu jangan ngasal jawab​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. a. Study and hope
  2. d. This verb can be used to tell desire that possible to happen from someone
  3. b. wish
  4. D. S + keinginan + Simple Past Tense


semoga berhasil


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Last Update: Tue, 28 Dec 21