kak/bang tolong jawab besok dikumpul soalnya . ngasal? auto repot

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mariaa2197 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Kak/bang tolong jawab besok dikumpul soalnya . ngasal? auto repot yaTiur : Hey, Eko. Can you tell me something?
Eko : Hey, tiur. sure. What is it?
Tiur : When is Scout Day?
Eko : Scout Day falls on the 14th of August.
Tiur : Thank you. will we have a Flag hoisting ceremony?
Eko : Of course. it falls on Tuesday this year.
Tiur : don't tell me we will have two flag hoisting ceremonies within a week?
Eko : probably because independence day also Falls In the same week.

1. who are talking?
2. what is the conversation about?
3. when is scout day?
4. is there another commemoration in the same week as scout day?
5. what is it?

Sophie : Hai Anton. I have an invitation for you
Anton : Hai sophie. what is the invitation about?
sophie : It's my birthday party invitation
Anton : that's cool
sophie : can you come?
Anton : when is your birthday?
sophie : it's on the 28th of Februari and we will celebrate it on the same Day
Anton : you celebrate your birthday once in four years so I'll make sure to come
Sophie : Thank you Anton
Anton : What time is party?
Sophie : it's at five in the afternoon
Anton : Alright See you at your birthday party
Sophie : see you

6. Who are talking?
7. What is the conversation about?
8. Who is going to have a birthday party?
9. When is the birthday party?
10. What time is the birthday party? ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


A.1.Eko and Tiur

2.Scout day

3.14th August

4.Yes there is

5.Independence day

B.6.Anton and Sophie

7.Inviting a friend to their party


9.At 28th February

10.5 in the afternoon



maaf kalau salah

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Mar 22