Cari type 1 dan type2!!!!2. If Ani (ask) you to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari verycochandrawiranto pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Cari type 1 dan type2!!!!2. If Ani (ask) you to go out now how you respond)
Type I
Type 2
3. Lisa (find) the milk if she (look) in the fridge.
Type 1
Type 2
4. The zookeeper (punish) her with a fine if she (feed) the animals in the 200
Type 1
Type 2
5. If you (speak) louder, your classmates (understand) you
Type I
Tipe 2
6. Dan (arrive) safe if he (drive) slowly. Type 1
Type 2
7. You (have) no trouble at school if you (do) your homework.
Type 1
Type 2 ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Conditional Sentence:

2. If Ani (ask) you to go out now how you respond)

Type I If Ani asks you to go out now how willyourespond?

Type 2 If Ani askedyou to go out now howwouldyourespond?

3. Lisa (find) the milk if she (look) in the fridge.

Type 1 Lisa will findthe milk if shelooks in the fridge.

Type 2 Lisa would findthe milk if shelooked in the fridge.

4. The zookeeper (punish) her with a fine if she (feed) the animals in the zoo

Type 1 The zookeeper will punishher with a fine if shefeeds the animals in the zoo

Type 2 The zookeeper would punishher with a fine if shefed the animals in the zoo

5. If you (speak) louder, your classmates (understand) you

Type I If you speak louder, your classmates will understand you

Tipe 2 If you spoke louder, your classmates would understand you

6. Dan (arrive) safe if he (drive) slowly.

Type 1 Dan will arrivesafe if hedrives slowly.

Type 2 Dan would arrivesafe if hedrove slowly.

7. You (have) no trouble at school if you (do) your homework.

Type 1 You will haveno trouble at school if youdo your homework.

Type 2 ​You would haveno trouble at school if youdid your homework.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran bentuk kalimat Conditional Sentence (kalimat pengandaian) tipe 1 dan 2 dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Kalimat pengandaian tipe 1

Fakta: Kondisinya mungkin terjadi dan juga sangat mungkin bahwa kondisi tersebut akan terpenuhi (mungkin terjadi dan bisa terwujud) di masa datang.

if+ subject + VI (Simple Present Tense) + Subject + will + Verb-1


If+ subject + (be) present + adjective/noun + Subject + will be + adjective/noun

Contoh :

If I work hard, I will get a lot of money.

If I have a lot of money, I will buy an expensive car.

Kalimat pengandaian tipe 2

Fakta: Kondisi yang tidak mungkin terwujud di masa kini.

If + subject + V2/simple past tense + Subject + would + Vl/past future tense


If + subject + were + adjective/noun+Subject + would be + adjective/noun


If l were you, I would accept that job offer. Fakta: I am not you.

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Thu, 09 Jun 22