1. Make sure the blender is plugged in, clean, andin

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari msia7739 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Make sure the blender is plugged in, clean, andin working condition.
2. Put your ingredients inside. It's a good idea to
get a little liquid near the bottom to get everything
going -- otherwise the solid stuff doesn't move around
very easily.
3. Close the lid and hold the cover tightly. If it
doesn't start, make sure the bottom of the blender is
placed securely in the base.
4. Blend! Try experimenting with the buttons.
Choose an appropriate speed setting depending on
what you are blending. If that doesn't work, stop the
blender, take off the lid, mix it up, and start again.
5. Open it up and pour it out. You may need to
scrape out the bottom or undo the blades to get it all
out of there, especially if it's thick. That's it!
6. Clean the blender. Take off the blades from the
jar and wash the two parts separately. Just run them
under warm water with a little soap; alternatively, you
can put them in your dishwasher. It's safe.
18. What must you do after plugging the blender in?
A. Close the lid and hold the cover tightly.
B. Choose an appropriate speed setting.
C. Put the ingredients inside.
D. Blend the ingredients.
19. ..., you can put them in your dishwasher." (Step 6)
The underlined word refers to ....
A. the blades
B. the buttons
C. the ingredients
D. the dishwashers
20. What does the text tell us about?
A. The way to operate a blender.
B. The guidance to wash the blender.
C. The description on how to blend fruit.
D. The information about blending the ingredients.

tolong bantu !!!!


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


18. C. Put the ingredients inside

19. A. the blades

20. A. The way to operate a blender


Semoga membantu.. ( Jika kurang jelas tanyakan saja )

Dan jadikan Brainliest answer ya..

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Last Update: Thu, 13 Jan 22