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Volcano or volcano in general is a term that can be defined as a system of hot fluid channels (rock in the form of liquid or lava) that extends from a depth of about 10 km below the earth's surface to the earth's surface, including sediment resulting from the accumulated material released. by the time it erupted. A volcano is a natural formation from the fragments that occur in the crust of a planetary mass object, such as Earth. This fault causes hot lava, volcanic ash and gas to come out of the magma chamber below the earth's surface.

Earth's volcanoes are formed because their crust is split into 17 main, rigid tectonic plates that float above the hotter, softer layers of the mantle. Therefore, volcanoes on Earth are often found at the divergent and convergent boundaries of plate tectonics. For example, in undersea mountains such as the mid-Atlantic ridge there are volcanoes that are formed from the divergent motion of tectonic plates that move away from one another, while in the Pacific Ring of Fire, volcanoes are formed from the convergent movement of tectonic plates that are approaching each other. Volcanoes do not usually form in the region of two tectonic plates shifted from one another.

Volcanic eruptions or eruptions can cause various disasters, not only in areas near the eruption. The danger from volcanic dust is to aviation, especially jet planes, because this dust can damage the turbines of the jet engine. Large eruptions can affect temperature because the smoke and sulfuric acid grains spewed out by the eruptions can block the sun and cool the lower part of the earth's atmosphere such as the troposphere, but the material can also absorb heat emitted from the earth thereby heating the stratosphere. Historically, volcanic winters have resulted in severe famine.

Furthermore, the term volcano is also used to describe the phenomenon of the formation of ice volcanoes and mud volcanoes. Ice volcanoes are common in areas that have snowy winters, while mud volcanoes can be seen in the Kuwu area, Grobogan, Central Java which is popular as Bledug Kuwu.

Volcanoes exist all over the world, but the most recognizable volcanic locations are those that lie along the Pacific Ring of Fire. The Pacific Ring of Fire is the line between two tectonic plates.

Volcanoes exist in several forms throughout their lifetime. An active volcano may turn half active, at rest, before eventually becoming dormant or dead. However the volcano was able to rest for 610 years before turning active again. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the true state of a volcano, whether the volcano is at rest or has died.

Volcanic eruptions occur when magma rises across the earth's crust and appears above the surface. When a volcano erupts, the magma contained in the magmar chamber below the volcano erupts out as lava or lava. Apart from lava flows, volcanic destruction is caused in a number of ways

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Last Update: Thu, 26 Aug 21