kak bantu plis science​

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Kak bantu plis science​
kak bantu plis science​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.








8. Molecules in the liquid get so excited from the heat that they go father and farther away from each other and eventually turn into a gas form.

Molecules in the gas cools down and slows down enough to be clumped together and becomes their liquid form.

9. When pure water gets heated up and reaches 100°C, they started to boil and turn into gases.


1. True

2. False

3. False

4. False

5. True

6. True


1. True, because: If the wind has a temperature that is enough to make water evaporate, then we can assume that more volume of air going in and transferring their heat into the water will make it evaporate quicker.

2. False, because: Higher temperature than room temperature is required in order to make water evaporate. Therefore, the more heat there is, the more evaporation there will be.

3. False, because: Humidity is the amount of water in a specific volume of air. The more humid it is, the harder it should evaporate, as water is a poor conductor of heat. An example of this can also be seen and felt when you live in a tropical country that has high humidity. You can see that your sweat almost don't evaporate at all.

4.False, because: The higher the windspeed, the harder it is for water droplets to clump together and condensate.

5. True, because: High temperature will cause water to evaporate more than it would condensate. Because condensation require that the gases be colder than the surrounding temperature.

6. True, because: Humidity is a measurement of the amount of water in a specific volume of air. Meaning that, the more water droplets in a volume of air, the more likely they will condensate together once the temperature drops lower.



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Last Update: Sat, 05 Mar 22