The following text is for question number 15 to 16

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nurwansyah1962 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

The following text is for question number 15 to 16 I had a silly experience when I was in senior high school. One day I was absent from English class. I felt bored with the teacher that never innovated his way of teaching. I knew he was too old and soon would retire from his duty. He often forgot what he had done for the class. For example, he repeated last week lesson and he never remembered who the members of the class were. That became my opportunity to left the class as he would never remember it. I was absent at that day class and spent the time by eating at school canteen, I take the sit near the window When I enjoyed my food, I did not know that the English teacher also left the class and ate at the same school canteen. I could remember his voice ordering some food and drink and finally knew that he was coming and sitting behind me. Actually I was afraid if he recognized me. There were only me and him who were eating at that canteen. Of course he greeted me, "You don't have any class?"and I replied, "No sir, the teacher was absent so that I'm here to have breakfast." Then he replied too, "Good answer boy, know you should be at my class right now. I never forget my students actually and I always repeat that boring lesson because that's the only way for students like you and your friends to be able to remember that better." I'm coming here is for one purpose, to ask you back to class because you never come to my class for several weeks. I'm afraid you will miss the examination." I was really embarrassed at that moment and after that I was never absent in his class.ini teks nya dan 15.why did the writer feel embarrassed at that moment
a. because the writer met the head at the canteen

b. because the writer met the english teacher at the canteen

c. because the writer didn ' I
bring enoug'n money to pay for his food

d. because the writer ' s friend reported him to the headmaster

ini soalnya dan abcd ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


B. Because the writer met the english teacher at the canteen

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Last Update: Tue, 28 Dec 21