1. Kadek Mila is my sister. ___________ a high school

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ketutbagusdanendra pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1. Kadek Mila is my sister. ___________ a high school student. *A. He is B. We are C. She is D. They are
2. Dolphins _______ highly intelligent marine mammals. *
A. is B. are C. am D. do
3. Grace ______ my classmate. She and I ______ bestfriends. * A. is........ am B. is........ is C. are ........ are D. is ........ are 4. They ______ very excited about the e-sports tournament. * A. was B. am C. is D. are
5. Jeon Jungkook _____ a very talented Korean singer. * A. is B. are C. am D. does
6. My parents ______ always busy in the morning. * A. is B. am C. are D. have
7. Mr. Bean _______ his car every weekend. * A. wash B. washes C. Washed D. Washing
8. I usually ______ to school at seven. * A. go B. goes C. gos D. is go
9. Dahlia _______ in her office until 5 pm. * A. works B. work C. plays D. play 10. I ________ pizza very much. It is my favorite food. * A. likes B. doesn't like C. don't like D. like
11. They always ______ TV in the evening. * A. plays B. play C. watch D. watches
12. The banks ________ on Sundays. * A. don't close B. don't open C. doesn't close D. doesn't open
13. I sometimes ________ coffee. * A. drink B. am drink C. drinks D. drinkes 14. Water ________ at 100 degrees Celcius. * A. boil B. boils C. don't boil D. doesn't boil
15. He ________ a shower in the morning. * A. doesn't have B. don't have C. doesn't has D. don't has
16. _______ the library open at eight? * A. Do B. Are C.Have D. Does
17. Putu and Eka usually _________ together every weekend. * A. studies B. studying C. study D. studys

bantu pliss jgn ngawur ya :)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. C

Maaf kalau salah

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Last Update: Thu, 16 Jun 22