Text 1 : " My New School "Today is my

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ezramaslan pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Text 1 : " My New School "Today is my first day in my new school. My new school is quite big. There are almost a thousand students there. In my classroom, there are 46 students.

The school building is old, but the facilities are all modern. The school yard is on the right side of the school. There is a basketball court in the middle part of the school. It is surrounded by classrooms, the teacher's room and the principal's room.

Text 2 : " Michael Douglas "

Michael Douglas is a very famous and popular American actor.

He is about 70 years old. He is slim and he is average height. He has light brown eyes and short fair hair.

His wife is a very beautiful British actress named Catherine Zeta-Johns. She has green eyes and long straight black hair. They have a daughter who is about 10 years old. They all live in the United States of America.

Text 3 : " Tiger "

The Tiger has a long body, a short neck, and a firm head with a short muzzle that contains a set of sharp teeth. Tigers have stout legs that end in broad paws. A well fed tiger is bulky, and is broad in the shoulders. back, and loins. Males are generally longer and heavier than females. The average length for males is about 6 feet long and with a tail length of 3 feet. Females are usually 6 to 12 inches shorter in body length. The color of a tiger's fur varies from orange-red to tawny yellow, with a lot of black stripes that have different lengths and widths. The cheeks, throat, and the insides of the ears and legs are white. The back of the ear black with a white spot in the center.

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Last Update: Tue, 07 Jun 22