buatlah teks berita bahasa Inggris dengan tema : Covid-19 harus

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Buatlah teks berita bahasa Inggris dengan tema : Covid-19harus ada : Main Event/Newsworthy Event, Background Event/Elaboration, and Source

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The number of positive patients of the COVID-19 corona virus in Indonesia surged and increased to 19 patients per Monday (9/3/2020). Indonesian Government spokesman for COVID-19 handling Achmad Yurianto said there were 13 positive cases of the corona virus found earlier this week.

patients tested positive for corona COVID-19 based on laboratory results which was a follow-up examination a few days ago by the PCR method and confirmed by sequencing genomes. the number of positive confirmed cases increased by 13 with 7 cases coming from imported cases, 6 from tracing and tracking contact results.

Here are the current conditions of 19 positive patients with corona COVID-19, as quoted by the Ministry of Health.

  • In the first case 07, female (59 years) her condition is stable, mild to moderate illness. The imported case case, concerned has just returned from abroad and for some time showed symptoms towards COVID-19. after being examined by PCR and genome sequencing the results were positive.

  • Furthermore, case 08, male (56 years). This patient contracted case 07 because it was indeed husband and wife. the condition is now using some equipment such as infusion and oxygen because they are already sick and have diabetes.

  • Case 10, male (29 years) foreigner. His condition seemed mild to moderate pain. this is part of the tracing of case 01.

  • Case 11, female (54 years) foreigner. The condition looks mild to moderate pain. This is also part of the tracing contact in case 01.

  • Case 12, male (31 years). the current condition is mild to moderate and is the result of tracing contact from case 01.

  • Case 13, female (16 years). This is also the result of tracing contact from sub-cluster case 03.

  • Case 14, male (50 years). overview of current conditions mild to moderate pain. This case is an imported case.

  • Case 15, female (53 years). This is also an imported case.

  • Case 16, female (17 years). This case is related to case patient 15which case 16 contracted from case 15 that just returned from abroad.

  • Case 17, male (56 years), imported case.

  • Case 18, male (55 years), imported case.

  • Case 19, male (40 years), imported case.

overall they experience mild-moderate illness, some use equipment such as infusion and oxygen because there are preceding disease factors (comorbidities).

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Last Update: Sat, 09 Jul 22