30 percakapan b.inggris sehari hari​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari isnainimalika12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

30 percakapan b.inggris sehari hari

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


percakapan 1

Sasha : Good morning, Mia.

Mia : Good morning, Sasha. How are you?

Sasha : I am fine today. Last night I have a deep sleep after all the problem solved.

Mia : Good job. I’m happy to hear that.

Sasha : Anyway, have our boss arrived?

Mia : Not yet. But, he ask me to prepare everything needed for meeting today before he arrived. I will be very busy this early morning.

Sasha : Don’t worry. I will help you if you want.

Mia : Really? Thank you very much

Sasha : You are welcome.

percakapan 2

Lina : Hi, Lina! How are you?

Rara : I am fine. How about you?

Lina : I am look fine, right? Anyway, have you finish your homework?

Rara : Yes, I have finished my math and english homework.

Lina : Rara, don’t you think that the questions of number 5 for math homework is difficult?

Rara : The algebra right? Yes, before I was very confuse how to solve it. But, I open the book and remember how our teacher gave the explanation. Then, I can finish it.

Lina : I think I will need your help to teach me the algebra. I really confuse. Can you help me?

Rara : Of course, I will help you

percakapan 3

Ana : Excuse me, I would like to buy the daily need. Can I have a kg of rice and sugar?

Seller : Of course, I will take it for you.

Ana : Thank you. How much is it?

Seller : It is twenty thousand. Do you need anything else?

Ana : No, it is enough

percakapan 4

Rini : Hi, Dea! How are you? Thank you for coming!

Dea : Hi, Rini! I am fine. Thank you for your invitation. I am so happy!

Rini : I am happy we can meet like this. I miss you so much.

Dea : We don’t meet almost 3 years. How is your busy now?

Rini : I work as a freelancer.

Dea : Good. I am happy to hear that.

Rini : Anyway, have you order the food?

Dea : Not yet.

Rini : Better we order the food and drink first. Then, we can tell anything.

Dea : It is a good idea.

Rini : Waiter!

Waiter : Yes, how can i help you?

Rini : I want to order fried rice and mango juice.

Dea : I want to order fried noodles and lemon juice.

Waiter : Ok, please wait for a moment

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh anglokls5tania dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 06 Jun 22