raffic nts ot ms m ank nk 23. ... a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kartinigloriasihite pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

raffic nts ot ms m ank nk 23. ... a sedan parking... another one. The correct words to complete sentence are 24. 25. d. There is; in front of There is; over There is no; between There is no; below *** . houses ... the elevated railroad. The correct words to complete the sentence are a. b. C. d. a. b. C. d. a. b. *** **** C. d. The dial **** There is a; under There is few; below a freight train ... the elevated railroad. The correct words to complete the sentence are There are some; below There are any; under the **** There is; above There is; on There are; above There are; on​
raffic nts ot ms m ank nk 23. ... a sedan parking... another one. The correct words to complete sentence are 24. 25. d. There is; in front of There is; over There is no; between There is no; below *** . houses ... the elevated railroad. The correct words to complete the sentence are a. b. C. d. a. b. C. d. a. b. *** **** C. d. The dial **** There is a; under There is few; below a freight train ... the elevated railroad. The correct words to complete the sentence are There are some; below There are any; under the **** There is; above There is; on There are; above There are; on​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


23. a

24. c

25. d


sorry klo salah

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Last Update: Sat, 18 Feb 23