3. Why do Betawi people make bir pletok? 4. Why

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3. Why do Betawi people make bir pletok? 4. Why is it called bir pletok? 5. What are the benefits of drinking bir pletok?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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3.The Dutch who once occupied Indonesia, have a tradition in every celebration of their events. They always serve beer as a signature dish to celebrate something. The beer drunk by the Dutch is a beer that contains alcohol. If you drink it in large quantities it can be intoxicating.

The Betawi people who saw the habits of the Dutch became interested and wanted to try the typical Western drink. However, most of the Betawi people follow Islam and do not consume alcohol. Therefore, the Betawi people make special drinks such as beer but not alcoholic.

4.The name "pletok" itself is taken from the sound when a beer lid made of wood is opened, it will produce a "pletok" or "plup" sound. Therefore, the Betawi people named the special drink "Pletok Beer". Beer from Europe (West) serves to warm the body.

5.Pletok beer is used to warm the body, prevent colds and improve blood circulation

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Last Update: Tue, 03 Jan 23