below Dialogue Mr. Lauw Pedro Mr. Lauw Pedro Mr. Lauw

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aldinokurniawan279 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Below Dialogue Mr. Lauw Pedro Mr. Lauw Pedro Mr. Lauw Lucky Mr. Lauw Lucky Mr. Lauw Lucky Mr. Lauw Pedro Mr. Lauw : Hey, Pedro! What's up? : Hi, Mr. Lauw. Nothing much. : Who is he? I've never seen your friend around here before. : Oh...sorry Mr. Lauw. He is my friend from (1)________________. His name is Lucky. Lucky, it's Mr. Lauw. Mr. Lauw, it's Lucky. : Oh hi Lucky. Nice to see you. : Nice to see you too, Mr. Lauw. Sorry, I can only speak a little English. I speak Tagalog most of the time. : It's okay. You will learn English fast. I'm from China so I speak(2)______ My wife is American. She speaks
(3)_______ I have to speak in English with her. Don't worry. • You will learn better here. : Alright, Mr. Lauw. Pedro is a Mexican. He speaks in (4)_______ But he speaks English well now. My roommate is from (5)_____ He speaks Italian. So, I think I can learn many languages here. : That's right. Learn from him. : Mr. Lauw, sorry I have to go home now. I have to unpack my baggage. : Okay, Lucky. Pedro, ask Lucky to visit my house some time, okay. I'd be glad to have some talk with you all. : Alright, Mr Lauw. Bye bye. Have a great day! : Bye, Jack. Bye Lucky. See you soon.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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you are so stupid


That's how GK can do it, how do you want to be successful

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Last Update: Wed, 09 Nov 22