1.Where is Bina Hotel2.Where is the park3.Where is Swadaya Hotel?4.Where

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari siennalivencia pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

1.Where is Bina Hotel2.Where is the park
3.Where is Swadaya Hotel?
4.Where is the school?
5.Where is the cinema?
6.Where is the kindergarten?
7.Where is the clinic?
8.Where is the restaurant?
9.Where is the apartment?
10.Where is the sport stadium?​
1.Where is Bina Hotel2.Where is the park3.Where is Swadaya Hotel?4.Where is the school?5.Where is the cinema?6.Where is the kindergarten?7.Where is the clinic?8.Where is the restaurant?9.Where is the apartment?10.Where is the sport stadium?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.The Bina Hotel is on the corner of suwirna street and Diponegoro street.opposite the sport stadium
2.The park is on the corner of Diponegoro street and Hasanudin street.
3.The swadaya hotel is on the suwirna street opposite the baker's
4.The school is on the corner of hasanudin street and sunyoto street next to the clinic
5.The cinema is on the suwirna street opposite the clinic
6. the kindergarten is on the corner of hasanudin street and sunyoto street opposite the restaurant
7.the clinic is on the corner of sunyoto streer and suwirna street opposite the cinema
8.the restaurant is on the corner of hasanudin street and sunyoto street opposite the kindergarten
9.the apartment is on the corner of hasanudin street and diponegoro street opposite the studio
10.the sport stadium is on the suwirna street opposite the clinic


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Last Update: Wed, 10 May 23