cerita tentang hoby mendengarakan musik dalam bahasa inģris​

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Cerita tentang hoby mendengarakan musik dalam bahasa inģris​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  • English:

English:Listening to music is one of my hobbies. Music will accompany me throughout my life, whether it's during study sessions, driving, or free time.

English:Listening to music is one of my hobbies. Music will accompany me throughout my life, whether it's during study sessions, driving, or free time.The type of music I often listen to is diverse. Most of the songs I listen to are from Korea and the West. But I never limit the music I like to a specific country or genre. As long as I like it, I am sure I'll listen to it.

English:Listening to music is one of my hobbies. Music will accompany me throughout my life, whether it's during study sessions, driving, or free time.The type of music I often listen to is diverse. Most of the songs I listen to are from Korea and the West. But I never limit the music I like to a specific country or genre. As long as I like it, I am sure I'll listen to it.I am the type of person who will listen to a song I Like until it bores me. The songs on D.0.'s new album have been on repeat lately. He just released a mini album with the title track 'ROSE".

English:Listening to music is one of my hobbies. Music will accompany me throughout my life, whether it's during study sessions, driving, or free time.The type of music I often listen to is diverse. Most of the songs I listen to are from Korea and the West. But I never limit the music I like to a specific country or genre. As long as I like it, I am sure I'll listen to it.I am the type of person who will listen to a song I Like until it bores me. The songs on D.0.'s new album have been on repeat lately. He just released a mini album with the title track 'ROSE".Aside from the title track, the songs on the album Like 'I am Gonna Love You', 'My Love' and 'I am Fine' are songs I listen to a lot.

English:Listening to music is one of my hobbies. Music will accompany me throughout my life, whether it's during study sessions, driving, or free time.The type of music I often listen to is diverse. Most of the songs I listen to are from Korea and the West. But I never limit the music I like to a specific country or genre. As long as I like it, I am sure I'll listen to it.I am the type of person who will listen to a song I Like until it bores me. The songs on D.0.'s new album have been on repeat lately. He just released a mini album with the title track 'ROSE".Aside from the title track, the songs on the album Like 'I am Gonna Love You', 'My Love' and 'I am Fine' are songs I listen to a lot.I prefer listening to instrumental music when studying or doing homework that requires full concentration. When I drive, I always listen to music through a Bluetooth headset.

I usually listen to songs from a music platforms. You can download these straight from the default app store. If you use Android, you can use the Play Store. If you have an iPhone, you can go through the Appstore.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh citraayuapriyanti82 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sun, 15 Jan 23