(Bacalah dialog berikut dan jawablah Read the following dialog and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari liaameliaa880 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

(Bacalah dialog berikut dan jawablah Read the following dialog and answer the questions. pertanyaan-pertanyaannyal) Teguh and Yudi are classmates. They are talking in front of the class at break time. Teguh: Where are you going Yudi? Yudi : I am going to the library, Teguh: What do you usually read in the library? Yudi : I usually read English magazine. Teguh: What book will you borrow from the library? Yudi : Well, I will borrow the Indonesian history book. Tiara Desta : I will return it five days later. : When will you return this book? Questions: Who are involved in the dialog above? Yodia tegoh, tiara, decla, When does the dialog take place? Where does the dialog take place? Who goes to the library? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. What does Teguh read? What book will Teguh borrow from the library? When will Teguh return the book? Does Teguh will return the book? 9. What does the phrase "The Indonesian history book" mean in Indonesian? 10. What is the similar meaning of the word "return"?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.Yudi,Teguh,Tiara Desta

2 at break time

3 Teguh and Yudi

4 ini salah soal kayaknya harusnya yg ditanyakan Yudi (English magazine)

5 sama kek tadi salah soal (Indonesian history book)

6 lagi lagi salah soal ( five days later)

7 yes he does

8 buku sejarah Indonesia

9 -

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Last Update: Thu, 11 May 23