the questions with the correct preposition! 36. The school is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nerenoahprince pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

the questions with the correct preposition! 36. The school is 37. The zoo is ...... 38. The swimming pool is 39. The Coco Cafe is 40. The stadium is of the cinema of the park the Athena Restaurant the computer shop and the clotheshop of the sports shop​
the questions with the correct preposition! 36. The school is 37. The zoo is ...... 38. The swimming pool is 39. The Coco Cafe is 40. The stadium is of the cinema of the park the Athena Restaurant the computer shop and the clotheshop of the sports shop​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

jawab: 1. is (not)

2. not

3. not

4.not a place


answer the question with the correct preposition

= menjawab pertanyaan dengan persiapan yang matang

36. the school is..... of the cinema

= sekolah adalah...dari bioskop

37. the zoo...of the park

= kebun binatang adalah...taman

38. the swimming pool is... the Athena restaurant

= kolam berenang adalah... restoran Athena

39. the Coco cafe is... the computer shop and the


= coco cafe adalah .. toko komputer dan toko

pakaian toko olah raga

40. the stadium is... of the sports shop

= stadion adalah .. dari toko olahraga

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Last Update: Tue, 28 Feb 23