majas lagu Hero - Cash Cash dalam inggris​

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Majas lagu Hero - Cash Cash dalam inggris​

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Hero – Cash - cash

I let my soul fall into you

I never thought I'd fall right through

I fell for every word you said

You made me feel I needed you

And forced my heart to think it's true

But I found I'm powerless with you

Now I don't need your wings to fly

No, I don't need a hand to hold in mine this time

You held me down, but I broke free

I found the love inside of me

Now I don't need a hero to survive

'Cause I already saved my life

'Cause I already saved my life

I fell into your fantasy

But that's all our love will ever be

I lost hope in saving you and me

You think I'm lost, falling apart

But your lies just made a stronger heart

My life is just about to start

Now I don't need your wings to fly

No, I don't need a hand to hold in mine this time

You held me down, but I broke free

I found the love inside of me

Now I don't need a hero to survive

'Cause I already saved my life

Already saved my life

I already saved my life

Already saved my life

I already saved my life

Now I don't need your wings to fly

No, I don't need a hand to hold in mine this time

You held me down, but I broke free

I found the love inside of me

Now I don't need a hero to survive

'Cause I already saved my life

Already saved my life

I already saved my life

Already saved my life

I already saved my life

Now I don't need your wings to fly.

Majas yang ada di sana (menurut saya):

1) Hyperbole, terletak pada:

  • I let my soul fall into you
  • I lost hope in saving you and me
  • I found the love inside of me
  • Now I don't need your wings to fly
  • But your lies just made a stronger heart

2) Personification, terletak pada:

  • And forced my heart to think it's true

3) Alliteration, terletak pada:

  • I never thought I'd fall right through
  • I don't need a hand to hold in mine this time

Semoga membantu >///<

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh Lavette dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sun, 28 Aug 22