B. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!1 Read the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari AFNA10 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

B. Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!1 Read the dialogue below! Sofyan :I am so sorry, Sir. I'm late. Mr. Sultan : Why are you late, Sofyan? Sofyan : 1 got up at seven in the moming, Sir, I watched TV until eleven at night Mr. Sultan : You must sleep early. Please, don't do that anymore. Sofyan : All right, Sic What does Sofyan say to apologize for his being late?

2. Read the following text! Today Mr. lwan will have a flight. Now it's at six o'clock in the morning. He has seventy-five minutes again to arrive at the airport before the flight. What time does he arrive at the airport?

3. Complete the text with the suitable pronouns!
lives with his Ricky is a) .......new neighbor. b...... parents. He has no sibling. He has a pet house is in front of my house. c....... lives with his parents . he has no sibling . he has a pet D.....Is a cat. His cat is cute.

4. Arrange these words into good sentences! a. your - sorry - pencil - I'm-for-losing b. friend-a-you-being-thank-for-good

5. Translate the following sentences into Indonesian! a. I have five fish and two turtles in the pond. b. There is a mouse under the cupboard. c. We usually have dinner with our big family in the restaurant.


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. i am so sorry, sir. i'm late

2. seventy-five minutes

3. a.) i have a

b.) he lives with his

c.) he

d.) his pet

4. a. i'm sorry for losing your pencil

b. thank you for being a good friend

5. a. aku punya 5 ikan dan dua kura-kura di kolam

b. ada tikus dibawah lemari

c. kami biasanya makan malam bersama keluarga besar kami di restoran

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Last Update: Wed, 27 Apr 22