Use how much or how many to complete the questions.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Sutart pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Use how much or how many to complete the questions. Mind countable and uncountable nouns. (5 points) Any plagiarism will get an impact to your score.1. __________stars are there in the sky?
2. _________ people live on islands?
3. _________ birds are there?
4. __________ water is in the ocean?
5. __________ money is in a bank?
C. Fill in the correct Simple Past form of the verb (10 points)

1. Ben ___________ Emily at the party. (to see)
2. He ___________ to her about the music. (to speak)
3. Ben ___________ fish and chips for lunch. (to eat)
4. Lucy ___________ me her photographs. (to send)
5. Jake ___________ a new camera. (to buy)
6. The football coach ___________ the red shirts. (to choose)
7. Lily ___________ a wallet with a lot of money. (to find)
8. Everybody ___________ to the swimming pool. (to go)
9. We ___________ a great meal in the new restaurant. (to have)
10. He ___________ a new song. (to write)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. how much

2. how many

3. how much

4. how much

5. how many


1. Saw

2. spoke

3. ate

4. send

5. bought

6. chose

7. found

8. went

9. had

10. wrote

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Last Update: Wed, 18 Aug 21