The following text is for number 40 - 43. My

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari paksumarto42 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

The following text is for number 40 - 43. My class is VIIB. It is my lovely place for studying It is big enough for studying everyday. It is between Class VIA and Vic. I really take it because it is clean and colourful . The wall is colourful . The colours are yellow, light green,ght blue, and orange. We clean it everyday. The girls sweep the foor and the boys mob it everyday. That's why it looks always clean and shiny. Although it does not have Air condition, its windows are enough for air circulation. They make the class fresh and bright. There are 38 tables and chair for us and a desk and chair for our teacher. A white board is in front of the class Our teacher usually uses it if he does not apply his slide. A students' data board is on the behind wall. 40. What do the girls do? a. Sweep the floor b. paint the wall c. Mob the floor c. Colour the wall​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

-reading comprehension-


40. What do the girls do?

\to (a) sweep the floor



Soal terkait dengan materi membaca suatu teks, paragraf, atau cerita secara komprehensif untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan (reading comprehension). Berikut adalah soal, jawaban, beserta artinya.

— What do the girls do? (apa yang dilakukan oleh murid-murid perempuan?)

Jawabannya ada di teks bagian:

  • We clean it everyday. The girls sweep the floor and the boys mop it everyday. That's why it looks always clean and shiny. (kami membersihkannya setiap hari. murid-murid perempuan menyapu lantai dan murid-murid laki-laki mengepel. itulah sebabnya lantai kelas selalu terlihat bersih dan mengkilap)

Jadi, jawabannya adalah opsi (a) sweep the floor.


semoga bermanfaat! ᵕ̈


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Last Update: Mon, 25 Jul 22