kak tolong bantuin yg pintar bahasa Inggris ​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ulfahwardatuljannah pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Kak tolong bantuin yg pintar bahasa Inggris ​
kak tolong bantuin yg pintar bahasa Inggris ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


- The apples are good.

- The bird is singing.

- I love the cats.

- The cow is very big.

- All he bears are nice

- Sonia hates the spiders

- None of the flowers are yellow

- Sarah had the best computer in the shop

- The letter is in the envelope.

- I like the Summertime.

- Today it's the Monday.

- My birthday is on the 10th of September.


- an eagle

- a policeman

- a pear

- a tree

- an uniform(?)

- a hotel

- an apricot

- a bear

- a blue pencil

- an angry dog

- an elegant man

- an intelligent boy

- a monkey

- a happy dog

- a baby frog

- an angel


- Barbara spent her holidays at the seaside.

- My cousin never drinks the tea with milk.

- Johnny went to the zoo with his parents. He saw many animals there. There were the giraffes and dolphins too.

- My mum lit the candles at night.

- Once upon a time there was a little girl who found a huge mushroom in the country.

- Rose feeds the rabbits and the chickens in the farm.


Kalau subject nya plural (lebih dari satu) pake 'the'.

Kalau subject nya singular (satu) pake 'a' atau 'an'

Cara tau pake a/an adalah:

Kalau subject nya berawal dengan vowel (a ; e ; i ; o ; u) itu pake 'an'.

Kalau subject nya berawal dengan consonant (huruf alphabet kecuali a ; e ; i ; o ; u) itu pake 'a'.


- I saw an elephant at the zoo.

- A frog leapt very high up in the sky.

(Semoga membantu dan maaf kalau salah)

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Last Update: Mon, 07 Feb 22