*Listening* *Task 1* _(Page 19)_ *_Listen to the dialogue carefully

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari helenthen818 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

*Listening* *Task 1* _(Page 19)_ *_Listen to the dialogue carefully to fill in the blanks!_* _(It's break time. Dimas is having avocado juice and gado-gado at the students' canteen. He is alone at the table. A girl suddenly comes to the table.)_ Sarah : Sorry, is this (1) ...... taken? _Dimas : No, (2) ..... yourself._ Sarah : Okay, thanks. _Dimas : I haven't (3) ..... you before. Are you new student?_ Sarah : Yes. It's my second day. _Dimas : Welcome. May I have your (4) ..... ?_ Sarah : Sarah Rianti. What's (5) ..... ? _Dimas : Dimas Pramana but every body calls me "Dim-Dim"._ Sarah : Huh? Your (6) ..... sounds cute. But, I won't tell you mine. _Dimas : No problem. By the way, it's nice to know you._ Sarah : Same here. I am at class VII-A. _Dimas : You are (7) ..... then._ Sarah : We've just met, so how could you make such a (8) ..... ? _Dimas : All the smart students at this school are always put at the class VII-A to VII-C.._ Sarah : Really? And you are at the class seven? _Dimas : VII-F. I (9) ...... tell you that I am at the class VII-F; a class for the laziest students here._ Sarah : Ha ha ha. You (10) ...... a nice boy. _Dimas : Thanks._​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. your

2. It's

3. Meet

4. name

5. Your name?

6. name

7. I don't know the answer sorry

8. I don't know the answer sorry

9. Will

10. are


I'm sorry I'm not really good at english, but I'll do my best

Let's be friend!

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Last Update: Fri, 03 Dec 21