__anybody there?whose__those books?i__feeling very tiredthere__two possible answersthere___some people to see

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zazirawindy07 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

__anybody there?whose__those books?
i__feeling very tired
there__two possible answers
there___some people to see you
my cat__black and white
he__inside the house
mom and dad___away
the sun__yellow
____the sea blue?
canada___north of the usa
A horse___an animal
the bike__from my father
the poster__fron john
the plane____late
the people_____noisy
john,mike and bo___sick
an egg___white and yellow
rome___the capital city of italy
sylvia____in love with bob
the queen____fat

isilah titik² tersebut​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Hello, anybody there?

Whosearethose books?

I am feeling very tired

There are two possible answers

Therearesome people to see you

My catisblack and white

He is inside the house

Mom and Dad passed away

Grandma is here

Grass is green

The sunisyellow

Is the sea blue?

Canada is north of the USA

A horseisan animal

The bike is from my father

The poster is from John

The plane is late

The peoplearenoisy

Nobody is here

John, Mike and Boaresick

An egg is white and yellow

Rome is the capital city of Italy

Beans are green

They are healthy

I am hungry

Sylvia falls in love with Bob

The queen is fat


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Last Update: Mon, 01 Nov 21